Noam Ofan

Noam Ofan

Land Thrill

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Land Thrill specializes in locating parcels of land that are way below market value in many different areas of the country. We analyze hundreds of deals every month and we cherry-pick only the best bargains. We then pass on the savings to our buyer by selling you properties for 40%-50% below market value. We are wholesalers. We are not real estate agents. We'd like your repeat business, whether you are an investor looking for wholesale deals to hold long or short-term, or you are looking to buy a piece of land for your enjoyment, we always strive to provide you with the absolute best value and easy financing options.

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2 results

Noam Ofan is a service professional with Land Thrill in the Las Vegas, NV area who specializes in land buying and land selling. They currently have 2 properties on the market. Verify details with the profile owner.

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Las Vegas, NV


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