Land for Sale in Reno, Nevada

Wilcox Ranch Rd Reno, NV 89510

1 / 4
40 acres
agoEst $1,896/mo

NAI Alliance is proud to represent for sale, 0 Wilcox Ranch Road. This ±40 AC property is located off Wilcox Ranch Road in Southeast Palomino Valley. The property itself has a well-maintained gravel road that winds onto the property, presenting beautiful views of the surrounding valley. Nestled in southeast Palomino Valley, this expansive ±40-acre property offers a retreat for those seeking a blend of rural charm and agricultural potential. With utilities located off Wilcox Ranch Rd and being zoned as general rural agricultural, this property is perfect for creating a private homestead or small ranch away from the noise of the city.

A majority of the parcel is flat atop a bluff that drops off on the southwest side of the property. Adjacent to the bluff is a seasonal creek that runs along the property. 0 Wilcox Ranch Road combines the best of both worlds: untamed natural beauty and rustic Nevada living right outside of Reno and Sparks.


Street Address
Wilcox Ranch Rd
39.7003, -119.5598

Property details

Legal Access
Appointment only
MLS Number
NNRMLS 240010130
Date Posted


  • 077-240-17


This 40-acre property is located at Wilcox Ranch Rd in Reno, NV 89510. The property is currently available for sale for $250,000 with a price per acre of $6,250. Listing data is sourced from Northern Nevada Regional MLS # 240010130.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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