Residential Land for Sale in Warsaw, Alabama

Warsaw Alabama Warsaw, AL 35447

1 / 10
0.5 acres
agoEst $94/mo

Lots 2,3,68,69 -Lake Gainesville Estates - Warsaw Alabama. $10,000.00 each

The lots are accessed by a county maintained road. Water and power are available. Excellent hunting and fishing opportunities are just minutes away on the Tombigbee River on public access areas along the waterway. Power and water are available.

Lots are being sold separately. $10,000.00 Each

Covenants and restrictions apply.

Contact Reed Marine at 1-205-399-6204 for more information.


Street Address
Warsaw Alabama
121 feet
32.9655, -88.1863

Property details

Date Posted


  • 60-01-05-22-0-000-001.033


This 0.5-acre property is located at Warsaw Alabama in Warsaw, AL 35447. The property is currently available for sale for $10,000 with a price per acre of $20,000.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Logan Land Co. at (205) 372-9800.

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Checked 44 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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