Land for Sale in Howard City, Michigan
W Hc-Edmore Rd
Howard City, MI 49329
Listing is a total of 84.2 Acres. Parcel 01701500200 is 74.2 acres and 10 acres parcel 01701501500. There is road access from parcel 01701501500 and an easement will be reserved off from M-46. 74.2 Acres are at the US 131 and M-46 interchange adjacent to the on ramp on M-46. Great opportunity for a variety of uses. The property is zoned Agricultural any changes will be pending township split and zoning approval. Listing agent is related to the seller.
US 131 North to M-46 exit E.
- Street Address
- W Hc-Edmore Rd
- County
- Montcalm County
- Community
- Reynolds TWP
- School District
- Tri County (Howard City)
Property details
- Zoning
- Agricultural, Commercial
- MLS Number
- REALCOMP 20250002075
- Date Posted
Property taxes
- Recent
- $3,938
- 01701500200
Legal description
W 1/2 OF SE 1/4, EX THAT PART WHICH LIES SLY & WLY OF A LINE DESCRIBED AS; COM AT S 1/4 COR OF SEC 15; S 89 DEG 13' 37" E 1500 FT (S LINE OF E 1/2 OF SAID SEC HAVING A BEARING S 89 DEG 13' 16" E)TH N 00 DEG 46' 23" E 75 FT TO P OF BEG OF THIS LINE; N 89 DEG 13' 37" W 1153.03 FT; N 44 DEG 13' 37" W 120.20 FT; N 00 DEG 46' 23" E 320 FT; N 26 DEG 43' 16" W785 FT TO POINT OF ENDING OF THIS LINE SEC 15 T12N R10W.
Detailed attributes
- Type
- Land
- Features
- Splits Available
Listing history
Date | Event | Price | Change | Source |
Jan 17, 2025 | New listing | $640,000 | — | REALCOMP |