Land for Sale in Springfield, South Carolina

Veterans Rd Springfield, SC 29146

1 / 7
7.12 acres
agoEst $419/mo

Looking for acreage and privacy? This 7.12 acre parcel has both and is shown as parcel 5 on the survey. While it has a Veterans Road address, it is actually tucked down a driveway so that you have no issues of traffic. One of the real benefits to this property is that there are no restrictions, so mobile homes or horses are allowed. Only 20 minutes from downtown Aiken, this scenic piece of seclusion is awaiting you. Is located between525 and 611 Veterans Road. You will see a driveway with an iron swing gate. If you have scheduled a showing, open the gate and then take an immediate right on a driveway for approximately 100 yards. Where driveway ends is where the property begins. The driveway would be a deeded easement for you. Electricity is available.


Take Highway 302 from Aiken, turn left on Veterans Road. The property is between 535 and 611 Veterans Road.


Street Address
Veterans Rd
266 feet
33.5143, -81.3703

Property details

MLS Number
AMLS 216386
Date Posted


  • 285-00-04-033

This 7.12-acre property is located at Veterans Rd in Springfield, SC 29146. The property is currently available for sale for $55,000 with a price per acre of $7,725. Listing data is sourced from Aiken MLS # 216386.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact SRI Properties at (706) 526-3030.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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