Land for Sale in Fouke, Arkansas

US Highway 71 / South Side of Miller County Fouke, AR 71837

1 / 10
56.7 acres
agoEst $758/mo

The South Miller RD 4 (#03019-03791) is a +-56.7 acre tract of timberland located in southern Miller County, Arkansas, about 13 miles south of Fouke, AR (North 33.064343°, West 93.897066°). The tract was largely harvested during the fall of 2016. Approximately 33 acres were chemically site prepared during the fall of 2017, then planted back with pine in early 2018. Nearly 17 acres of Cypress/Tupelo remains on the property where the the Kelly Bayou creek system flows through for diverse wildlife habitat. According the USDA NRCS web soil survey, the property is predominately based upon Amy silt loam and other fine sandy loams which give the property a weighted average site index rating for Loblolly Pine of 89 feet (base age 50). Access is excellent with US-Hwy 71 bordering the western edge of the property and Miller County Road #4 running along the north side of the property. Interstate I-49 runs within a mile of the tract allowing for a quick and easy drive north to Texarkana or south to Shreveport, Louisiana. The topography is mostly bottomland with potential as a long-term pine growing stand within Kelly Bayou. Home site potential within the Fouke School District exists on the southern +/- 7 acres that lies outside of the bayou flood zone and has access to some utilities along the highway. If you're looking for a recreational parcel of land with investment potential in hardwood timber, then this tract has your name on it! Give United Country - Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. a call at (870) 836-5981!

Additional ~36.2 acres for sale north of Miller County RD 4 (#03019-03387)

NOTE: This a AR Real Estate Broker Co-Owned Property.


Street Address
US Highway 71 / South Side of Miller County, # 4
207 feet
33.0643, -93.8971

Property details

Date Posted

This 56.7-acre property is located at US Highway 71 / South Side of Miller County # 4 in Fouke, AR 71837. The property is currently available for sale for $99,225 with a price per acre of $1,750.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Neeley Forestry Service at (870) 836-5981.

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Checked 54 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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