Agricultural Land for Sale in Cruger, Mississippi

US Highway 49 Cruger, MS 38924

Land id
1 / 20
427 acres
agoEst $21,494/mo

Elmwood Farm is located at Cruger, lying twelve miles south of Greenwood, Mississippi. It is situated on both sides of U.S. Highway 49 and the north side of Holly Grove Road. These roadways provide excellent access. 389.29 acres are in production out of the total 427.11 surveyed acres.

The farm is improved with both row-fall and center pivot irrigation. The center pivot is 1,630' and waters around 195 acres. It has a dedicated 14" irrigation well with a 60hp gearhead and John Deere power unit. The two northern corners of the pivot field are irrigated using row-fall and watered from a 16" irrigation well equipped with a 60hp gearhead and three-phase electric motor. The southeast corner has been row-fall watered utilizing a relift pump (not included) from the ditch along the eastern boundary. The field along the west side of Highway 49 has been landformed for row-fall irrigation utilizing two pads, underground piping and risers. Water is provided by a 10" well with an electric submersible pump. One small field, west of the railroad tracks, is not irrigated.

Elmwood Farm has a history of cotton, corn and soybean production with the most recent crops being soybeans and corn. Over ninety percent of the cultivable acres have a strong cotton base. The soils are comprised of 70.6% Class II Dundee silt loam, Dundee silty clay loam, and Dubbs silt loam, 13.8% Class III Tensas silty clay loam and 14.8% Class IV Alligator silty clay loam.

Farmland has long been viewed as hedge against inflation and a stable long-term investment. The past several years have seen farmland values steadily increasing. Additionally, good farms have been increasingly harder to find during this period. Don't miss out on your opportunity to own this piece of rich Delta farmland.


Street Address
US Highway 49
240 feet
33.3255, -90.2341

Property details

Date Posted


This 427-acre property is located at US Highway 49 in Cruger, MS 38924 with latitude 33.3255 and longitude -90.2341. The property is currently available for sale for $2,725,000 with a price per acre of $6,382.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Bottomland Real Estate - the Delta at (662) 624-8282.

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