Residential Land for Sale in Quemado, New Mexico

Tomahawk Quemado, NM 87829

1 / 10
agoEst $233/mo

Beautiful heavily treed, private lot in the Indian Springs subdivision. Many oldere , large cedar and tall pinons throughout the property . There are several private flat building sites Stunning mountain views to the north and south. Evidence of deer, elk and other wildlife is scattered through out this property. Electricity is close by. Close to popular hunting units and recreational areas. Come and enjoy unobstruced night sky views, beautiful snsets and clean air away from the hustle and bustle.


From Hwy 60 in Quemado. Take why 60 east to Omega Rd, turn north on Omega rd follow to Cocheieseturn west follow to Warpath, turn right then turn left onto Tomahawk, follow to sign


Street Address
Tomahawk, # 187
Indian Springs
7,582 feet
34.3974, -108.3485

Property details

MLS Number
MyStateMLS 11400763
Date Posted

Property taxes



Home Owner Assessments Fee


  • 2084010473233

This property is located at Tomahawk # 187 in Quemado, NM 87829. The property is currently available for sale for $30,000. Listing data is sourced from My State MLS # 11400763.

Verify sale details or contact Datilland Properties at (575) 772-5512.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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