Recreational Land for Sale in South Pittsburg, Tennessee

Thunder Ridge Dr South Pittsburg, TN 37380

1 / 11
5.2 acres
$2k dropEst $191/mo

5.2+/-acres wooded property high atop the Cumberland Plateau located in the Ridges at Franklin Forest. This development is designed with the Equestrian in mind, The Ridges offers Horse Riders a place to Live, Ride and enjoy nature at its best. If you're not an Equestrian owner, but enjoy the country life, with mountain views, breathtaking overlooks, hiking trails and cool mountain waterfalls, then The Ridges is the place for you. Located in the Ridges is lot 77 which is a beautiful, wooded lot that fronts Thunder Ridge Drive for the best Shopping, Entertainment and Medical Care, just go down the mountain and easily access I-24 East to Chattanooga. Buyer is responsible to do their due diligence to verify that all information is correct.


Street Address
Thunder Ridge Dr, Lot 77
630 feet
35.0123, -85.7044

Property details

Date Posted


This 5.2-acre property is located at Thunder Ridge Dr Lot 77 in South Pittsburg, TN 37380. The property is currently available for sale for $25,000 with a price per acre of $4,808.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Land Sales at (423) 648-1008.

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Checked 14 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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