Recreational Land for Sale in Brinkley, Arkansas

Sundown Ln Brinkley, AR 72021

Land id
1 / 5
7.2 acres
agoEst $344/mo

7+- acres Located just south of Brinkley, America! A good friend of mine would answer the phone when I called using the moniker Brinkley, America! In tribute to my good friend we are calling this parcel after him.

Wooded, level, acerage just outside the city limits of Brinkley with unrestricted use, City water, and electricity runs to the edge of property. This would be a good build site for Hunting camp or place to park your RV while in Arkansas. Located just off highway 70 gateway to some of the best Deer, and Waterfowl hunting in East Arkansas. Hurry up and grab this spot before the season starts.


Street Address
Sundown Ln
190 feet
34.8612, -91.218

Property details

Date Posted

This 7.2-acre property is located at Sundown Ln in Brinkley, AR 72021. The property is currently available for sale for $45,000 with a price per acre of $6,250.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Cache River Land & Farm at (501) 278-5330.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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