Recreational Land & Farm for Sale in Hartshorn, Missouri

Smith Rd Hartshorn, MO 65479

1 / 23
160 acres
agoEst $3,804/mo

Big Bucks on Big Creek. 160 remote acres of large acorn bearing timber providing excellent habitat for large whitetail and Turkey. This property is an outdoorsman's dream with multiple stand/food plot locations and two elevated blinds. An excellent trail system navigates the property and you have a small section that joins the banks of Big Creek. This property has had wild boar and black bear in the past and is truly a hunter's paradise. Property is accessed via a verbal easement currently from Smith Road through neighboring property. Neighboring property owner has agreed to give a written easement but it is not yet completed. You will need a map app or to print the map before showing.


Street Address
Smith Rd
925 feet
37.3559, -91.6677

Property details

Date Posted


  • 110726000000005


This 160-acre property is located at Smith Rd in Hartshorn, MO 65479. The property is currently available for sale for $480,000 with a price per acre of $3,000.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Living the Dream at (855) 289-3478.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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