Residential Land for Sale in Greenwood, Arkansas

Skinner Heights Rd Greenwood, AR 72936

1 / 30
3.4 acres
$10k dropEst $847/mo

They say location is everything, this holds true with a rare land offering. Located within a few miles of Greenwood and Highway 71, with mature hardwoods and a with some work a great view. All utilities on site including gas, rural water, electricity and a driveway leading up to a clearing where the beginning of a pad for a residence is found. This 3.4+/- acres is located on skinner heights near the West dead end. This secluded tract of land is truly a rare find for the area. With utilities and the development that has been put into the land already lets you focus more on making it your own. Build your permanent home within Greenwood's award winning school disctrict but still have the freedoms of living in the country!


Street Address
Skinner Heights Rd
719 feet
35.2127, -94.3125

Property details

Date Posted


This 3.4-acre property is located at Skinner Heights Rd in Greenwood, AR 72936 with latitude 35.2127 and longitude -94.3125. The property is currently available for sale for $110,000 with a price per acre of $32,353.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Field, Farm, and Homes at (479) 480-7000.

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Updated . Checked 1 hour ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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