Recreational Land & Farm for Sale in Junction City, Arkansas

S Of AR Highway 15 Aka Haynesville Junction City, AR 71749

1 / 9
100 acres
agoEst $954/mo

The Three-Creeks Tract (#03019-03421) is a +-100 acre tract of timberland located in southwestern Union County, Arkansas, about 16 miles southwest of El Dorado, AR (North 33.059244°, West 92.879552°). The tract was completely harvested during the summer of 2017. A thin timbered stream-side management zone remains along the main "Three-Creeks" branch. The topography is generally flat with two major creek systems running through the property. According the USDA NRCS web soil survey, the property is predominately based upon Guyton silt loams which give the property an outstanding weighted average site index rating for Loblolly Pine of 90 feet (base age 50). Access to the northeast corner of the property is available via a gated woodsroad running southerly for nearly a mile from "AR Hwy 15 aka Hayneseville Hwy", a paved state highway. If you're looking for a highly productive site ready to be established back as a long-term investment planted pine stand, the gear up for this one! Give United Country - Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. a call at (870) 836-5981!

*This is co-owned by a licensed AR Real Estate Broker.


Street Address
S Of AR Highway 15 Aka Haynesville
157 feet
33.0592, -92.8795

Property details

Date Posted


  • 00000-22675-0200

This 100-acre property is located at S Of AR Highway 15 Aka Haynesville in Junction City, AR 71749. The property is currently available for sale for $125,000 with a price per acre of $1,250.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Neeley Forestry Service at (870) 836-5981.

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