Land for Sale in Rutheron, New Mexico

Rim Dr Rutheron, NM 87551

1 / 17
6.23 acres
$2k dropEst $349/mo

Beautiful, wooded lot in Laguna Vista. Located just a short distance from Chama and Tierra Amarilla, this property offers several natural clearings that could serve as a good start to a building pad for a home or an RV campsite. Wildlife abounds in this area and fishing is nearby in the surrounding rivers and streams. Laguna Vista also has several amenities, including private landowner access to Heron Lake on the west side of the subdivision, and Community Center. Electricity is nearby on Rim Drive and the lot is large enough to accommodate a traditional style septic system. This is a gated community and this property could be accessed year round without too much difficulty. Come take a look at what northern New Mexico has to offer.


Street Address
Rim Dr, Lot 70 & 71
7,730 feet
36.7306, -106.6702

Property details

Date Posted

This 6.23-acre property is located at Rim Dr Lot 70 & 71 in Rutheron, NM 87551 with latitude 36.7306 and longitude -106.6702. The property is currently available for sale for $44,900 with a price per acre of $7,207.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Northern New Mexico Real Estate at (575) 756-2196.

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Updated . Checked 1 hour ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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