Land for Sale in Searcy, Arkansas

Quality Dr Searcy, AR 72143

Land id
1 / 11
52 acres
agoEst $12,291/mo

52+- Commercial, Residential, Industrial acres located on Quality Road next to Highway 267 in Searcy City Limits.

One of the largest tract left in Searcy City Limits with HIghway frontage. The city has designated land set aside along the north border of this property to be used for connecting Quality road to Booth road if needed.

Mature Hardwoods dominate this property offering excellent Bow Hunts if desired. Highest and best use of property is Light Industrial, RV, Boat Storage, Commercial, Apartment Complex, Trucking operations.

The Property has Wal Mart Distribution on the North end of property and a trucking company located on the South End. High visibilty and large traffic counts per ARDOT website (greater than 3600 vehicles per day).

Prime Commercial property like this does not stay on the market very long.


Street Address
Quality Dr
236 feet
35.2129, -91.726

Property details

Date Posted


  • 016-11551-000


This 52-acre property is located at Quality Dr in Searcy, AR 72143. The property is currently available for sale for $1,610,000 with a price per acre of $30,962.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Cache River Land & Farm at (501) 278-5330.

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Checked 29 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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