Residential Land for Sale in Pinetta, Florida

Prickly Ash Way Pinetta, FL 32350

1 / 1
0.5 acres
Active sale$2.02k drop

Evenly shaped lot in the country! This half acre, rectangular shaped parcel is set back a bit from the road. This could be suitable for someone wanting more quiet and less road noise!

The access to the property is difficult to tell, but it appears to border a dirt road or dirt trail. There are other parcels that do not border the road but still have access- specifically 364 Ne Pinwheel Trl. So, Buyer should research access, as it is unknown and not guaranteed. The land is behind 388 Ne Pinwheel Trl and that same address is also in front of 364 Ne Pinwheel Trl.

The property appears to be about 90% wooded and the other 10% appears to have the dirt road or dirt trail going through the property and this road or trail is close to being in the middle of the parcel.


Street Address
Prickly Ash Way
30.6206, -83.3904

Property details

Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 35-3N-09-5539-001-00A

This 0.5-acre property is located at Prickly Ash Way in Pinetta, FL 32350 with latitude 30.6206 and longitude -83.3904. The property is currently available for sale for $5,526 with a price per acre of $11,052.

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Updated . Checked 1 hour ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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