Recreational Land for Sale in Paisley, Oregon

Lake County Paisley, OR 97636

Land id
1 / 9
160 acres
$15k dropEst $788/mo

Welcome to the Sycan Marsh lot #2! This 160-acre parcel located in the heart of south-central Oregon provides numerous opportunities for Oregon big game hunting as well as a large variety of upland and migratory game birds. Situated on the East-Central side of the Sycan marsh the gently sloping terrain offers expansive views of the valley and is adjacent to thousands of acres of Nature Conservancy and National Forest Service Lands. If you are looking for a place to get away on the weekend to relax, or your own private hunting grounds in the heart of mule deer and antelope country this definitely could be the property you are looking for. Sparsely timbered with groves of lodgepole pine and juniper the land provides a diverse mix of high desert ecosystems that sustain many predator and prey species. To the west the property boundaries hundreds of Acres of National Forest Service Land that provides spectacular adjacent hunting opportunities. A short drive from the property there is also numerous points of access to the Sycan River which can be a perfect place to swim and drop a line during the hot summer months. If you don't believe the 160 acres will suit all of your needs the same owners have an additional 160 acres adjacent to the north that directly borders 30,000+ acres of Nature Conservancy land to the west. (please see Sycan Marsh #1). Both Lots are eligible for 2 Mule Deer buck and 2 Bull Elk Land Owner Preference Tags (LOP) buyer to due all due diligence in regards to LOP! The seller is extremely motivated and will look at all offers!


5,108 feet
42.7529, -121.1175

Property details

Date Posted


  • 32S13E000001111


This 160-acre property is located in Paisley, OR 97636. The property is currently available for sale for $100,000 with a price per acre of $625.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Land and Wildlife - Medford at (866) 559-3478.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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