Recreational Land for Sale in Nehalem, Oregon

Tillamook County Nehalem, OR 97131

Land id
1 / 22
122 acres
agoEst $10,125/mo

This is an exceptional, one-of-a-kind recreational property with timber investment potential located in the beautiful Oregon Coast Range near the historic area of Enright. The property is adjacent to the Salmonberry River, which is well known for its excellent steelhead runs. Deer, elk, and other wildlife are present on the property, and there are great hiking and biking opportunities. The property is secluded and gated, with a cabin and bunkhouse, where you can spend quiet evenings away from the busy city life. The property was planted with Douglas fir after it was harvested, and it is stocked with Douglas fir and red alder. There is a railroad grade running through the property, which is part of the proposed Salmonberry River Trail, which will connect the town of Banks to the Oregon Coast for hikers, bikers, and equestrian use.


942 feet
45.7207, -123.5734

Property details

Date Posted


  • 95079
  • 95122
  • 95695

This 122.09-acre property is located in Nehalem, OR 97131. The property is currently available for sale for $1,284,275 with a price per acre of $10,519.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact AFM Real Estate at (865) 248-8315.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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