Residential Land for Sale in Burns, Oregon

N Imperial Ave Burns, OR 97720

1 / 8
6.57 acres
agoEst $512/mo

6+/- Acres - N Imperial Ave, Burns

Located near Slater Elementary School, Harney District Hospital, & other amenities, this lot provides elbow room & a significant amount of space for being in Burns City Limits. The lot has gravel access off a paved city road & has partial fencing with existing rock jacks that could be utilized.

Contact the listing brokers or City of Burns for information in regard to building, utilities, & further information.

LOT: 23S30E12-AC-00201

LOT SIZE: 6.57 acres (+/-)

TAXES: $468.28 (2023 Tax Year Before Property Line Adjustment)

FINANCES: Cash or Bank Financing


Street Address
N Imperial Ave
4,245 feet
43.5942, -119.0646

Property details

Date Posted


  • 1323.00S30.00E12AC--000000201

This 6.57-acre property is located at N Imperial Ave in Burns, OR 97720. The property is currently available for sale for $65,000 with a price per acre of $9,893.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Jett Blackburn Real Estate at (541) 413-5660.

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Checked 40 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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