Residential Land for Sale in Jackson, Mississippi

McCluer Rd Jackson, MS 39212

1 / 1
5.83 acres

Acreage in Jackson! The land is partially wooded. The land borders a paved road. The land itself i rather large- over 5 acres- and there are lots of leaves on it- but more leaves are there in the fall and winter. The trees are tall and there is some rubbish on the property. If you are willing to clean this up, it may be a keeper for you.

There are several things to do in this city, as Jackson is the capitol of MS.


Street Address
McCluer Rd
32.2397, -90.2765

Property details

Legal Access
Public road
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 852-16-1

Legal description

This 5.83-acre property is located at McCluer Rd in Jackson, MS 39212. The property is currently available for sale for $45,000 with a price per acre of $7,719.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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