Recreational Land for Sale in Hemphill, Texas

Sabine County Hemphill, TX 75968

Land id
1 / 11
179 acres
agoEst $5,875/mo

Discover the natural beauty of this +-179-acre property located off Sturgis Mill Rd in Hemphill, Texas. The land features a mix of upland pine plantations and Streamside Management Zones (SMZs) that follow Bennett Branch Creek and various watersheds flowing to Housen Bayou. Majestic old-growth hardwoods, including white oaks, red oaks, swamp chestnut oaks, willow oaks, and water oaks, are abundant throughout the property.

This exceptional wildlife habitat supports a variety of species such as whitetail deer, feral hogs, small game animals, songbirds, and wood ducks. Enjoy a range of recreational activities including hunting, hiking, camping, and trail riding.

The property is easily accessible via a gravel road that leads into the property, with additional trails and road systems branching off the main path. Currently utilized for timber, the land offers both investment potential and unparalleled recreational opportunities.

Conveniently situated between Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend, this property offers an easy commute to either destination. The diversity in wildlife habitat and the scenic landscapes make this property truly exceptional.

Contact us today to explore this unique opportunity in Hemphill, Texas!


295 feet
31.3461, -93.894

Property details

Date Posted

This 179-acre property is located in Hemphill, TX 75968. The property is currently available for sale for $689,150 with a price per acre of $3,850.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact AFM Real Estate at (865) 248-8315.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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