Recreational Land for Sale in Harriman, Tennessee

Cumberland County Harriman, TN 37854

1 / 10
55 acres
agoEst $2,314/mo

This listing is a parcel totaling +-360 acres split into 5 parcels ranging from +-55 to +-90 acres in size. The splits are located on Millstone Mountain Road in east Cumberland County. The attached map shows the proposed splits and the access road that all five splits will share a 50-foot easement for ingress and utilities. The seller has not installed electric utilities along the road and all buyers will be required to share the expense for installation. Tracts 1 and 5 have road frontage and will not necessarily have to share in the installation costs. Tracts 2, 3, and 4 will definitely need to have electricity along the access road. We have checked with Volunteer Electric and found the estimated total cost to be $42,000.00 to a point at the end of the easement. Further electric will be at each buyer's expense. A draft of the easement maintenance by the buyers can be found in the documents section on the website.

Tract 1 (CONTRACT PENDING) contains approximately 22 acres of 19-year-old planted pine and 33 acres of natural hardwoods. Tract 1 price is $5,500.00/acre or $302500.00.

Tract 2 is approximately 40 acres of thinned pine plantation and 20 acres of hardwood. Tract 2 price is $5,500.00/acre or $330,000.00.

Tract 3 is approximately 70 acres of thinned pine and the remaining acreage is SMZS. Tract 3 price is $4,000.00/acre or $352,000.00.

Tract 4 is 81 acres of mostly pine plantation and is priced at $5,500.00/acre or $445500.00.

Tract 5 is 76 acres of a mix of pine and hardwood and is priced at $5,000.00/acre or $380,000.00.


1,759 feet
35.9129, -84.7856

Property details

Date Posted


  • map 119 parcel 001.00


This 55-acre property is located in Harriman, TN 37854. The property is currently available for sale for $302,500 with a price per acre of $5,500.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact AFM Real Estate at (865) 248-8315.

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Checked 49 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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