Residential Land for Sale in Erie, Michigan
Erie Rd
Erie, MI 48133
1.47 acres, single family building site in Erie, Michigan.Easy access to I-75. Close to schools, churches, restaurants, grocery store, fire department and other amenities. Parcel #1 on survey. Survey & legal description attached to MLS documents. This is a recent split, property taxes have NOT been assessed yet. The Property sits to the right of 3315 E. Erie Rd. A big Bush sits in the middle of the property close to the road and both sales signs are on the property. BATVAI
Take 75 to Erie Rd. Exit go west and the property is on the south side.
- Street Address
- Erie Rd, Parcel 1
- County
- Monroe County
- Community
- Erie TWP
- School District
- Mason (Erie)
- Elevation
- 587 feet
Property details
- Zoning
- Residential
- MLS Number
- REALCOMP 20240051905
- Date Posted
Property taxes
- Recent
- $400
Legal description
Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 15, T. 8 S., R. 8 E., Erie Township, Monroe County, Michigan, described as: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said section 15; thence S. 89 degree 45' 00" E. 542.70 feet long the North line of said Section 15 said line also being the centerline of Erie Rd. (66 feet wide)to the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S. 00 degree 04' 00" E. 321.50 00" E. 200.00 feet along said North line of Section 15: thence S. 00 degree 04' 00" E. 321.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1.476 acres of land more or less. Subject to the rights of the public over the North 33 feet for Erie Road (66 feet wide). Also subject to any and all easements or rights of way of record, if any.
Listing history
Date | Event | Price | Change | Source |
Dec 11, 2024 | Price drop | $34,900 | $3,000 -7.9% | REALCOMP |
July 18, 2024 | New listing | $37,900 | — | REALCOMP |