Recreational Land for Sale in Elizabeth, Louisiana

Rapides Parish Elizabeth, LA 71433

Land id
1 / 13
21.7 acres
agoEst $786/mo

Plainview Pines Tract #20 is over 21 acres at the intersection of Hwy 112 and Doshie Road, North of Elizabeth in Rapides County, Louisiana. You can see the Plainview School from this property. The land is about 45 minutes from Alexandria or DeRidder. It is framed with a thick curtain of pine and hardwoods over much of the tract, and some longleaf is used as well. This property has power along Hwy 112, but also lots of frontage along the county road. You have several building sites to choose from, with a small creek running through them and a pond as well. This property can be the site of your country dreams! Check it out and see if this is where you belong!


167 feet
30.9477, -92.7645

Property details

Date Posted

This 21.71-acre property is located in Elizabeth, LA 71433. The property is currently available for sale for $103,118 with a price per acre of $4,750.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact AFM Real Estate at (865) 248-8315.

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Checked 53 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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