Mixed-Use Land for Sale in Searcy, Arkansas

E Park Ave Searcy, AR 72143

1 / 23
53.2 acres
$55k dropEst $12,970/mo

53.18 Acres For Sale in Searcy, AR

53.18 Acres within the Searcy, Arkansas city limits! Property is currently zoned U-T, making it a great location for a subdivision, condos, or apartments. The acreage features 1,287 feet of paved road frontage along Park Avenue. There is an additional easement onto the property from Langley Street along the East side. This acreage is directly across Park Avenue from the Sam's Distribution Center. Property has been surveyed. Mineral Rights will convey to the new owner. Seller Financing is possible.

For more details contact listing agents Glenn Dillard (501.827.4011 or glenn@UCNaturalState.com) or James Dillard (501.207.1770 or james@UCNaturalState.com).


Street Address
E Park Ave
233 feet
35.243, -91.6995

Property details

Date Posted

This 53.18-acre property is located at E Park Ave in Searcy, AR 72143. The property is currently available for sale for $1,699,000 with a price per acre of $31,948.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Natural State Home & Land at (501) 203-0763.

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Checked 29 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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