Recreational Land & Farm for Sale in Coalgate, Oklahoma

County Road 3800 Coalgate, OK 74538

1 / 12
206 acres
agoEst $7,395/mo

Coalgate Cattle Ranch - 206.13 ± Acres - Coalgate, OK, Coal County

Price: $4,995 per acre.

Animal Units: Ranch will run 40 cows and calves with weed control.

Terms: No owner financing.

Location: Coal County, Oklahoma, 2 miles southwest of Coalgate, OK. One mile south of Highway 31.

Comments: This cattle ranch has excellent access and a very convenient location. The working pens are very well constructed. This is a very good cattle ranch.

Improvements: Metal working pens with double deck loading chute.

Water: Property has a seasonal creek and several ponds.

Terrain: Terrain is 75% open and relatively level.

Fences: Excellent barbed wire fences with metal posts are practically new. Ranch is cross fenced throughout.

Grasses: Grasses include Bermuda, native grasses, and some fescue.

Game: Wildlife includes Whitetail deer, hogs, and wild turkey.


Street Address
County Road 3800
School District
34.5203, -96.2491

Property details

Legal Access
Public road
Appointment only
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 0000-34-01N-10E-2-002-00

This 206.13-acre property is located at County Road 3800 in Coalgate, OK 74538. The property is currently available for sale for $1,028,970 with a price per acre of $4,992.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Southwest Ranch & Farm Sales at (972) 542-8511.

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Checked 22 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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