Land for Sale in Princeton, Arkansas

County Road 201 Princeton, AR 71725

1 / 4
40 acres
agoEst $667/mo


'County Road 201 Tract' (#03019-04045) is a +-40-acre tract located in the central part of Dallas

County about five mile southwest of the Princeton community. Access is via Dallas 201, a gravel county

road that runs through the west side of the property. Most of the tract, about 35 acres, contains a

loblolly pine plantation that was established in 2019 and is growing very well! The mostly fine sandy loam soils on the

property have a weighted site index of 85 feet for loblolly pine at a base age

of 50 years. While this tract should be

a great long term timberland investment, some utilities are located on the

tract making for hunting camp or even home site potential! Looking for something that offers a lot of possibilities...then

check out the County Road 201 Tract! Contact

the Neeley Team with United Country - Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. at

870-836-5981 and ask about the County Road 201 Tract or check this property out

online at! This

offering does not include mineral interests.Legal Description: The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest

Quarter (SE 1/4 NW 1/4 ) of Section 24 in Township 9 South, Range 16 West, Dallas

County, Arkansas.Directions: From

the intersection of state highway #8 and state highway #9, travel south on AR-


Street Address
County Road 201
256 feet
33.9291, -92.6973

Property details

Date Posted


  • 001-07771-000

This 40-acre property is located at County Road 201 in Princeton, AR 71725. The property is currently available for sale for $87,400 with a price per acre of $2,185.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Neeley Forestry Service at (870) 836-5981.

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Checked 34 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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