Residential Land for Sale in Costilla, New Mexico

Costilla Mdws Costilla, NM 87524

1 / 5
9 acres
agoEst $125/mo


From Taos, NM take State Rd 522 North for 25-30 mins passing by the town of Questa. Go East on State Rd 196 (at the small town of Costilla there is a old gas station on the east side of 522. Take a right turn there which is State Rd 196). You are now traveling E on 196 towards small village of Amalia. As you come into Amalia take a left at the cemetery then travel N from there about a mile up a dirt road. Costilla Meadows will be on your left side (west side).


Street Address
Costilla Mdws, Unit 3 Lot 36
Costilla Meadows
8,415 feet
36.9858, -105.4417

Property details

MLS Number
SWMLS 1080045
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 1081188250380

This 9-acre property is located at Costilla Mdws Unit 3 Lot 36 in Costilla, NM 87524. The property is currently available for sale for $16,500 with a price per acre of $1,833. Listing data is sourced from Southwest MLS # 1080045.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Coldwell Banker Legacy at (505) 292-8900.

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Checked 30 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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