Land for Sale in Emerson, Arkansas

Columbia Rd Emerson, AR 71740

1 / 13
129 acres
$7.3k dropEst $3,025/mo

The ‘Columbia Road 7 EAST Tract' is a +-129.3-acre tract located in the southern part of Columbia County, a couple of miles northwest of the town of Emerson. Columbia County Road #7 runs along the west side of the property providing excellent access and frontage on the road. Typical rural utilities (electrical, phone, & water) are available along the road. The 129-acre tract has about 89 acres of pine plantation that was planted in 2021 and about 40 acres of mature mixed pine and hardwood timber located along the creek that flows through the east side of the property. Whether you are looking for a place to build your dream home, convert the plantation to pasture and build a farm, or just looking for a place to hunt or just ‘get away', check on the ‘Columbia Raod 7 EAST Tract' on Columbia County Road #7!

Legal Description: The Fractional West Half of the Northeast Quarter (Frl. W 1/2 NE¼), the Fractional East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (Frl. E 1/2 NE¼ NW¼), and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE¼ NW¼); all in Section 6 of Township 19 South, Range 20 West, Columbia County, Arkansas, containing 129.3 acres, more or less.

Directions: From the intersection of US Hwy 79 and AR State Hwy #98 in Emerson, travel west on AR-98 for 2.3 miles then turn right onto Columbia County Road #7 and travel 1.4 miles to the south line of the property. The property will be on the EAST side of Columbia CR-7.


Street Address
Columbia Rd, # 7
299 feet
33.1194, -93.2206

Property details

Date Posted

This 129.3-acre property is located at Columbia Rd # 7 in Emerson, AR 71740. The property is currently available for sale for $396,250 with a price per acre of $3,065.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Neeley Forestry Service at (870) 836-5981.

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Checked 52 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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