Land for Sale in Ramah, New Mexico

Buttonwood Dr Ramah, NM 87321

1 / 39
5.66 acres
agoEst $278/mo

Great location with fantastic views in all directions, from the colorful cliffs to the west, Zuni mountains to the east and the distant volcanoes of El Morro and beyond. 5.66 level acres with several places to build or camp. Nicely treed, with healthy pinons, junipers, and ponderosa pines for privacy and seclusion. An arroyo runs along the back of the property, elk and deer tracks here. Good wells in the area, HOA is only $230 per year, roads are maintained year-round. Common areas include a historic ranch house with well, and seasonal showers/restrms, hiking and equestrian trails, private Ramah Lake access. Timberlake Ranch is a friendly and helpful community, with volunteer fire/EMT less than 2 miles away.


From Grants (I-40), head SW on Highway 53 for 51 miles, turn right on Canyon Road. In 2.8 miles, Canyon Rd becomes Timberlake Road. Continue another 4.2 miles, keeping left at the Y. Continue west for 0.7 miles to Buttonwood Drive. Turn right, the property is on the left in 0.5 miles. Please note that cellular signal in the area is very poor.


Street Address
Buttonwood Dr, Lot 15
Timberlake Ranch
7,001 feet
35.1868, -108.4586

Property details

MLS Number
SWMLS 1065340
Date Posted

Property taxes



Home Owner Assessments Fee
$230 annually


  • 2090063222345


This 5.66-acre property is located at Buttonwood Dr Lot 15 in Ramah, NM 87321. The property is currently available for sale for $34,600 with a price per acre of $6,113. Listing data is sourced from Southwest MLS # 1065340.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Berkshire Hathaway Home SVC NM at (505) 994-8585.

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Checked 1 hour ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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