Recreational Land for Sale in Fairview, Tennessee

Brush Creek Rd Fairview, TN 37062

1 / 6
40.2 acres
agoEst $7,651/mo

40.2 acres in Williamson Co, TN - with a Fairview address. This land is undeveloped - rolling hardwood covered hills and hollows. There is a natural spring-fed creek that begins within the interior of the property. The hardwoods are very mature - The Seller says it has been over 30 yeatrs since any logging has occurred. The main entrance is on Brush Creek Rd - across from 7264 Brush Creek Rd. There is another entrance with a deeded easement coming from CCC Rd. on the West side. The spring-fed creek flows into an old pond that needs to be cleaned out. It is possible to drive from Brush Creek Rd to CCC Rd through the property. This is ideal for a home or family compound - lots of room to spread-out with many flat build sites. The land is close - like 10 minutes - to both Kingston Springs as well as Fairview. Located just off Exit 188 on I-40W - just 30 minutes from Downtown Nashville. This is an ideal location to develop or create your own secluded outdoor oasis. The wildlife is plentiful - many opportunities for deer and turkey hunting. Schedule a tour - it is a beautiful and very unique piece of land. Contact Listing Agent Scott Summers at (615) 815-9366


Street Address
Brush Creek Rd
659 feet
36.0243, -87.0875

Property details

Date Posted

This 40.2-acre property is located at Brush Creek Rd in Fairview, TN 37062. The property is currently available for sale for $1,000,000 with a price per acre of $24,876.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Tennessee Land & Farm - Clarksville at (615) 879-8282.

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