Land for Sale in Speedwell, Tennessee

Braden Rd and 190 Robert Short Ln Speedwell, TN 37870

Land id
1 / 68
121 acres
$470k dropEst $14,919/mo

This East Tennessee property is located minutes from Lafollette and sits in between Blue Springs Dock Marina and a few thousand acres of land owned by TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority.) It sits on Norris Lake and has about 800 feet of permitted shore line. Access to the shore line is easily done as the grade is minimal and the habitat can be easily removed. Getting into the property is very easy as it touches multiple rural roads, allowing for more than one entrance. The owner has meticulously put in drain tile, erosion control, water breaks and has created a trail system that can easily be navigated by truck. The owner, works as a partner at a very well known local surveying company, has also systematically drawn up a preliminary development survey that shows the investment potential of this awesome 121 +/- acres. If you have any questions in regards to the preliminary development survey, please contact the listing agent. Through several conversations, including other brokers to the area about this property, believe this place could be one of the best investment properties on the lake currently today, as access to the property is easily done via the newly paved and widened state route 63. This state route runs East and West and connects Kentucky to all of Eastern Tennessee. This tract of land is a must for anyone wanting to put in a golf course, community development on the lake, a marina or just keep it to yourself and build a dream investment home for the future. Come and see for yourself the potential of living or investing in East Tennessee. If you have any questions or are interested in a private showing, please contact Brian Whitt (423) 494-7793.


Street Address
Braden Rd and 190 Robert Short Ln
1,152 feet
36.4043, -83.8828

Property details

Date Posted


This 121-acre property is located at Braden Rd and 190 Robert Short Ln in Speedwell, TN 37870. The property is currently available for sale for $1,950,000 with a price per acre of $16,116.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Arrowhead Land Company at (405) 415-5977.

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Checked 56 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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