Land for Sale in Camden, Arkansas

AR Highway 7 - W Camden, AR 71701

1 / 7
7.5 acres
agoEst $235/mo

Approximately 6 miles south of Camden, AR - Numerous lots ranging from 5 - 17 acres. Perfect for your future homeplace! Close enough to all that Camden has to offer but also just far enough out of town for your own privacy. According to the USDA Web Soil Survey, the lots are based upon an assortment of sandy loams which give the parcels a weighted average site index for loblolly pine of 81.9 feet (base age 50yrs). Some utilities can be found along these public roads allowign for camp/home site potential within Camden-Fairview School District. With 7 lots available, whether you are looking to combine 2 or a few to make a bigger parcel or just looking for one - contact The Neeley Team at United Country-Neeley Forestry Service, Inc.

Lot 2 (#03829) contains about 8 acres. It was planted with loblolly pine in 2006 and remains unthinned. It features frontage to the east side of County Road #63.

Legal Description for All Lots Combined: SW¼ SW¼ W of Hwy in Section 6 & NW¼ W of Hwy Section 7; all in Twp 15S, Rng 16W; ALSO that Pt. SE¼ NE¼ lying N of Ouachita Road #63 in Section 12 of Twp 15S, Rng 17W, Ouachita Co., AR


Street Address
AR Highway 7 - W, Lot 2
246 feet
33.4418, -92.8032

Property details

Date Posted

This 7.5-acre property is located at AR Highway 7 - W Lot 2 in Camden, AR 71701. The property is currently available for sale for $30,750 with a price per acre of $4,100.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Neeley Forestry Service at (870) 836-5981.

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Checked 8 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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