For more information call or text the Listing agent C. Timothy Keagy Cell # 864-905-3304 This is a great investment opportunity . Currently zoned for R-M20 Multi housing. The seller requires a privacy fence and landscaping to be provided by the buyer at buyer's expense to separate the subject property and Bridgeview Condos. Public water and public sewer available. This level property is open without trees which may save on grading costs. Note the address is Hunts Bridge but the portion of the Bridgeview II Association, Inc. plat that is for sale is actually on and facing Duncan Rd. near the corner of Hunts Bridge and Duncan. The purchaser will submit for a new address after closing. The Association is currently separating the Tax Map ID # so an extended closing and buyer cooperation will be necessary. This is a growing area near the Swamp Rabbit trail and convenient to schools, shopping, and restaurants . Located between Travelers Rest Greenville. The exact Survey dimensions may be subject to change slightly to mutually satisfy seller and buyer.