Residential Land for Sale in Duncan, Oklahoma

601 N K St Duncan, OK 73533

1 / 1
0.13 acres

Vacant land for sale! Previously, a 892 sq ft home existed, but is now gone. The taxes are high just for a vacant lot, so the buyer should call the tax collector and assessor and have them remove the home from being taxed- as the home does not exist.

We received a demolition bill on 8/29/2023 for $3,250. Buyer to assume all debt.

There are homes all around this area, as the land is on a paved road with multiple residential homes nearby.


Street Address
601 N K St
34.5082, -97.9347

Property details

Legal Access
Public road
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 1443-00-002-012-0-000-00

This 0.13-acre property is located at 601 N K St in Duncan, OK 73533 with latitude 34.5082 and longitude -97.9347. The property is currently available for sale for $1,170 with a price per acre of $9,000.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Cheap Lands.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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