Land for Sale in Brooksville, Mississippi

579 Lee Rd Brooksville, MS 39739

Land id
1 / 75
165 acres
agoEst $7,684/mo

Have you always dreamed of owning your own farm? Looking to add acreage to your current operation? There is no better place to start then this fully operational catfish and row crop farm in Noxubee County. This farm has been owned and operated by the same family since 1994. This farm has 8 catfish ponds, approximately 50 acres of row crop ground, about 45 acres of timber and pasture ground, a 1500 square foot home and a 5400 square foot shop with an additional 1100 square foot living space added on in 2012. This is a property that is set ready to go for the next owner to walk in and be fully operational from day 1. If you are looking for strictly a recreational property the owner will consider selling this property without all the equipment to operate the fish farm. This property is in a prime location to provide tremendous deer, dove and duck hunting to the new landowner. If you know anything about this part of Noxubee County then you know this area is know for its fertile soils and record book whitetail deer. So regardless if you are a hunter, a farmer or both this place is for you! The options are endless for this property so let's take a look and discuss how we can make your dreams come true on this Noxubee County farm today.


Street Address
579 Lee Rd
33.2679, -88.3947

Property details

Legal Access
Public road
MLS Number
MGCMLS 4092340
Date Posted


  • 171-07-009.00
  • 186-06-002.00

This 165-acre property is located at 579 Lee Rd in Brooksville, MS 39739. The property is currently available for sale for $985,000 with a price per acre of $5,970. Listing data is sourced from MLS United # 4092340.

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Checked 56 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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