Land for Sale in Valley, Alabama

5493 Judge Brown Rd Valley, AL 36854

1 / 8
6.26 acres
agoEst $674/mo

This is a great 6 + acres located in Chambers County, AL. Located within 15 minutes of Auburn, AL and within 5 minutes of I - 85 off Judge Brown Rd. The property has power and county water access. It has several potential homes sites with paved road frontage. It is made up of a mature hardwood and pine stand creating privacy. There is the potential to create a small pond, and allot of wildlife sign as well.


Street Address
5493 Judge Brown Rd
755 feet
32.76, -85.2634

Property details

Date Posted

This 6.26-acre property is located at 5493 Judge Brown Rd in Valley, AL 36854. The property is currently available for sale for $90,000 with a price per acre of $14,377.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Southeastern Land Group.

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Checked 54 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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