Residential Land for Sale in Gainesville, Georgia

5230 Laurel Gainesville, GA 30506

1 / 25
0.52 acres
Active sale agoEst $488/mo

A perfect location to build your forever home. A beautiful and highly sought after location, that's perfectly situated just minutes from anything you could wish for. Lanier Atlanta neighborhood offers quiet community living that is just minutes from Lake Sidney Lanier and all it has to offer. Seller has never paid any HOA fees in their time of ownership to any entity, and to their knowledge no HOA exists. Buyers and agents please exercise your due diligence in this manner, as seller has owned property over 20 years but lives in another state.


Navigation works well with address on listing. From ga 129. Turn onto Jim Hood Rd. and drive .8 miles. Take a slight left onto Highland Rd. , Drive 2.5 miles and turn left on Laurel Lane. Drive .3 miles and turn left onto Laurel Circle. Drive 800 feet and Property is on right with sign.


Street Address
5230 Laurel
Lanier Atlanta
1,161 feet
34.3826, -83.8232

Property details

MLS Number
GAMLS 10409305
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 10132 000050

This 0.52-acre property is located at 5230 Laurel in Gainesville, GA 30506 with latitude 34.3826 and longitude -83.8232. The property is currently available for sale for $64,900 with a price per acre of $124,808. Listing data is sourced from Georgia Multiple Listing Service # 10409305.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Headwaters Realty at (706) 754-5101.

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Updated . Checked 2 hours ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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