Improved Land for Sale in Robertsville, Missouri

4186 E Linda Ln Robertsville, MO 63072

1 / 5
15 acres

15-acre homestead with green features and renovated 90 year old 3- BR, 1- Bath farmhouse on the top of the hill. One of the highest spots in the area. House walks out to the south with great east and west views. Was ranched with regenerative sheep for the last 3- years.

Sq feet


Street Address
4186 E Linda Ln
38.3234, -90.8075

Property details

Date Posted

This 15-acre property is located at 4186 E Linda Ln in Robertsville, MO 63072. The property is currently available for sale for $335,000. It has a structure.

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Checked 44 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

James Holtzman
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