Recreational Land for Sale in Bee Branch, Arkansas

284 Old Dug Rd Bee Branch, AR 72013

Land id
1 / 60
185 acres
$138k dropEst $5,306/mo

185+-/DTB tract with SL&S = Deer, Turkey, Bear with Shooting Lanes and Stands in Place! Glad you make it her to figue out the name. This tract is an absolutely perfect set up for viewing/pursuing game animals, it is move in ready!! The ownerspared no expense in setting this one up for Fishing and Hunting. White Oaks are sispersed throughout the property with a mix of Hardwoods and Pines distributed evenly as well. 4 acre pond with several other year round ponds holding fish and Wood ducks are attached to this property. alll stands go with the property along with the critters. Bear inhabit this tract along with excellent geneticsand ligh hunting pressure over the last several yearshave increased the quality of the animals that call this place home. Out standing sized Deer Stand serves as the focal point for this tract that will easily hold four people and their gear comfortably. Ladder stands and a second smaller eleveated box stand with feeders also will convey with purchase. The owner has built thirty yard wide shooting lanes with micro food plots placed throughout the property for bow hunting opportunities. For gun hunting he has several stands offering 150+ yard shots.

The only thing you need to bring to this Recreational Bonanza is the key to the front gate!


Street Address
284 Old Dug Rd
1,073 feet
35.4918, -92.3664

Property details

Date Posted


This 185-acre property is located at 284 Old Dug Rd in Bee Branch, AR 72013. The property is currently available for sale for $695,000 with a price per acre of $3,757.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Cache River Land & Farm at (501) 278-5330.

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Checked 44 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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