Commercial Land for Sale in Jerome, Idaho

28 Butte Dr Jerome, ID 83338

1 / 8
6.47 acres
$40k drop

Location, location location where Highway 93 intersects Highway 25 by the blinking light. 10 miles north of Interstate 84 and just a short 1 mile from the new 1 of 2 Meat processing Plants (Idaho-Based Agri Beef Company) which is here in Jerome and the second to be located in Idaho Falls. This project is known as True West Beef and will benefit the state cattle industry and the employment of many locals as goal is to process 500 head per day.

This property is very level and tiered naturally and smoothly has a septic on one level and has several Idaho Power Poles. Due Diligence with the Aeronautic Board of the Jerome Airport and P & Z of Jerome County. This property would be a great location for a trucking company or service company or Storage Units. Access to this property is from Highway 93 with a separate entrance from the Frontage Road or the second would be directly from Highway 25 onto the Frontage Road and driving by 3 other businesses. The frontage road is paved and there is a stable rock based road on this property. Behind the property East Boundary and on the North Boundary there is farm land.

Commission 2%


North on Hwy 93 thru Blinking Lite at Hwy 25 and frontage Rd entrance on right quick left and property entrance on right.

Second way is Hwy 93, turn right blinking lite(Hwy 25) then left onto frontage road and then 1/8 mile property on Right.


Street Address
28 Butte Dr
42.727, -114.4402

Property details

Date Posted


  • RP08S17E146002


This 6.47-acre property is located at 28 Butte Dr in Jerome, ID 83338 with latitude 42.727 and longitude -114.4402. The property is currently available for sale for $1,650,000 with a price per acre of $255,023.

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Updated . Checked 1 hour ago. Parcel data by Regrid.

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