This 59 acres really is a hunter's & outdoor enthusiast's paradise with deer, turkey, waterfowl and small game. The wildlife is numerous due to the mast producing mature hardwood and softwood timber, thick bedding cover and massive crop fields surrounding it. Check out the pictures of the good bucks using the farm and this area is loaded w/ turkeys. It has 18-20 acres of wetlands bordering the Obion River which can be easily re-flooded by plugging the drainage. In the winter, mallards, wood ducks and pintails use the slough. Extensive improvements have been made to the entry road which is fully deeded as part of the property. A connecting internal road has also been improved so the entire property can be easily accessed all year long. The property has a recent survey which can be used for the purchase if desired. This is a beautiful property to hunt, hike or enjoy as an investment. It's hard to find a piece of property this size and price with everything this one has going for it.