Recreational Land for Sale in Matheson, Colorado

2 Resolis Rd Matheson, CO 80828

Land id
1 / 62
1,920 acres
agoEst $16,480/mo

Limon 3 Section is 1920 acres of short grass prairie grazing with two wells and numerous dirt tanks.


Consisting of 1920 acres fenced into 3 full section pastures, each with great water resources and very well sodded native grasses including Buffalo grass and Grama grass. The terrain is a mix of rolling hills, canyons, plateaus and level ground.


The ranch boasts miles of brand new 5 wire fence with wood and t-posts along with two strategically located wells with solar pumps. The ranch also has over a half dozen dirt tanks that hold abundant water.


The ranch boasts an outstanding antelope population with trophy bucks. Mule Deer and Coyote also call the ranch home, in addition to good waterfowl populations.


The ranch should run 100 pairs or 200 yearlings during the growing season.

Water/Mineral Rights & Natural Resources

Seller owned minerals, if any will convey.

Region & Climate

Located near "Hub City" Limon Colorado and near Interstate 70, the ranch has a great location.


Limon offers all the conveniences of a small town, including groceries, gas stations, parts stores, hardware, restaurants, an airport, an excellent school and churches.


From Limon west on I 70 6 miles. Exit on CR 118 south then west, then south 5.1 miles on CR 118 (Resolis Rd) to gate on west side.


Street Address
2 Resolis Rd
5,700 feet
39.2589, -103.8826

Property details

Date Posted

This 1,920-acre property is located at 2 Resolis Rd in Matheson, CO 80828. The property is currently available for sale for $2,175,360 with a price per acre of $1,133.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Hayden Outdoors Real Estate at (970) 674-1990.

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Checked 13 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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