Residential Land for Sale in Shipman, Virginia

1948 Findlay Mountain Rd Shipman, VA 22971

1 / 1
4.1 acres

4.1 wooded acres in beautiful, sparsely populated Nelson County. Amenities nearby: 3 miles from Shipman, 7 miles from Lovingston, 12 miles from Schuyler and Walton's Mountain, 20 miles from Amherst, 30 miles from Wintergreen resort. Known as Gleason's Gap, the unimproved parcel has old stone ruins from the 1800's. Lot is level at road frontage and climbs to the rear, making 2 good options for building. At the highest point, when the trees are bare, the view is lovely.


From Lovingston (Rt. 29), take take James River Road to Findlay Mountain Road. Lot is just past improved property at 1924 Findlay Mountain Road.


Street Address
1948 Findlay Mountain Rd
37.6961, -78.8218

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Date Posted

This 4.1-acre property is located at 1948 Findlay Mountain Rd in Shipman, VA 22971. The property is currently available for sale for $35,000 with a price per acre of $8,537.

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Checked 16 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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