Land for Sale in Washington, Kansas

1672 Rainbow Rd Washington, KS 66968

1 / 31
49.4 acres
agoEst $1,845/mo

Property Location: From the intersection of Highway 36 Rainbow Road (1 Mile East of Washington, KS) travel South 0.50 mile, the property is located on the East side of the Road. Legal Description: A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 3 South, Range 4 East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Washington County, Kansas described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence N 00?07'46" E 919.00 feet along West Line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence S 85?32'49" E 395.80 feet; thence s 04?43'28" W 57.14 feet; thence S 86?42'57" E 124.24 feet; thence N 03?29'14" E 326.08 feet; thence S 86?30'46" E 170.00 feet; thence N 03?29'14" E 232.00 feet to an existing fence line; thence Along the existing fence line the following 5 courses, Course 1: S 89?27'18" E 57.95 feet, Course 2: S 76?36'49" E 310.83 feet, Course 3: S 59?50'30" E 1036.09 feet, Course 4: S 01?49'59" W 337.04 feet, Course 5: S 44?59'35" E 338.94 feet; thence s 00?05'58" W 185.06 feet to the South Line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence S 89?34'39" W 2204.40 feet to the point of beginning, containing 49.4 acres. Property Features: - Picturesque Hilltop Views of the Millcreek Valley - Close Proximity to Highway 36, Washington (County Seat), Hospital, Schools and Much More - Rural Water & Electric Near By - Mature Trees - Fencing - Barn Property Taxes: $205.14 (Estimated per Washington County Appraiser, see Estimated Tax Form in Property Documents) Agent's Notes: This great Midwest country land opportunity is located 1 mile east of Washington off of Highway 36 on a well-maintained county road and would make a fantastic building site for your dream home with picturesque hilltop views of the Millcreek Valley. It also provides mature trees, fencing, and utility services nearby. Don't miss this opportunity to own your slice of Washington County country heaven. List Price: $255,000


Property Location: From the intersection of Highway 36 Rainbow Road (1 Mile East of Washington, KS) travel South 0.50 mile, the property is located on the East side of the Road.


Street Address
1672 Rainbow Rd
1,345 feet
39.8071, -97.0291

Property details

MLS Number
MyStateMLS 11362816
Date Posted

Property taxes



  • 1011230700000002000

This 49.4-acre property is located at 1672 Rainbow Rd in Washington, KS 66968. The property is currently available for sale for $255,000 with a price per acre of $5,162. Listing data is sourced from My State MLS # 11362816.

Verify sale details or contact Midwest Land and Home at (785) 325-2740.

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