Agricultural Land for Sale in Locust Grove, Oklahoma

15943 4402 Locust Grove, OK 74352

1 / 1
4.5 acres
agoEst $394/mo

Land For Sale in Locust Grove, Oklahoma

4.5 acres of unrestricted land in Locust Grove, OK. Perfect place to set up your farm. Bring all your animals with you, there is plenty of room to roam. Only a few miles to Peggs, Hulbert, Tahlequah and Locust Grove. Tulsa is only 45/50 minutes away. (Realtor is related to seller.)


Street Address
15943 4402
673 feet
36.1553, -95.7324

Property details

Date Posted

This 4.5-acre property is located at 15943 4402 in Locust Grove, OK 74352. The property is currently available for sale for $50,000 with a price per acre of $11,111.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Oklahoma Lifestyle Properties at (918) 825-7701.

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Checked 37 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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