Land for Sale in Biscoe, North Carolina

1250 Cole Rd Biscoe, NC 27209

1 / 17
17 acres
$55.1k dropEst $1,554/mo

Beautiful rolling Montgomery County land with lots of paved road frontage, county water, organic farm fields, pond, planted pines with straw income. This is an excellent site for residential building lots. This approximately 17 acres to be cut out of a larger tract. Buyer to hire surveyor and have survey done. Price is $15,000/acre per new survey.

This 17-acre property is located at 1250 Cole Rd in Biscoe, NC 27209. The property is currently available for sale for $199,900 with a price per acre of $11,759.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Mossy Oak Properties Land and Luxury - Mooresville at (704) 658-1121.

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Checked 31 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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