Recreational Land & Farm for Sale in Crookston, Nebraska

1 882 +/- Acres Crookston, NE 69212

Land id
1 / 40
1,882 acres
$263k dropEst $21,465/mo

Highway 20 Rangeland presents an excellent opportunity for those looking to invest in Cherry County, NE. This property is located 14.5 miles west of Valentine, NE, along Highway 20, providing convenient access and making it an attractive option for ranchers look to start or expand their current operation.


Tract 2 of Highway 20 Rangeland consists of 1,882 +/- deeded acres, cross-fenced into four separate pastures, with 6 water sources (3 solar wells, 3 windmills).


Electricity is available across north end of this property along Highway 20, making it easy to establish further improvements.

Water/Mineral Rights & Natural Resources

All owned convey.

General Operations

This property is owner-rated at 190 cow/calf pairs for a five-month grazing season. This parcel was utilized during the 2024 summer grazing season, supporting 406 spade heifers.

Sells subject to the seller completing a section 1031 tax deferred exchange.


This ranch is located 3.5 miles west of Crookston, NE, 6.5 miles east of Kilgore, NE, and 14.5 miles west of Valentine, NE.


From Crookston, NE- Head west on US Highway 20 for 3.5 miles.


Street Address
1 882 +/- Acres
2,802 feet
42.9259, -100.8312

Property details

Date Posted

This 1,882-acre property is located at 1 882 +/- Acres in Crookston, NE 69212. The property is currently available for sale for $2,540,000 with a price per acre of $1,350.

Verify sale details at the property source or contact Hayden Outdoors Real Estate at (970) 674-1990.

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Checked 45 mins ago. Updated . Parcel data by Regrid.

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