
We take your data security very seriously and take all necessary precautions to ensure data safety. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.


Our application runs on Amazon Web Services and Cloudflare. All servers and services limit access to the minimum number of relevant personnel.

Data Storage

Our application assets are stored within Amazon Web Services using S3 and private data access is limited to dependent services. S3 offers 99.999999999% data durability of data within a given year. Databases are also hosted with Amazon and feature automated backups, snapshots, and host replacement.

All communications through your browser are relayed using SSL connections.

Privileged Data

When paying for a promoted account your credit card data is relayed to Stripe. This transaction is completely independent of our infrastructure and at no time are we exposed to the data.

Passwords are stored using one-way encryption and never accessible in plaintext after registration, including server logs. All data stored in our databases is encrypted at rest and is isolated within our private VPC with no direct external access.