Vivian Regna

Vivian Regna


Gateway Real Estate

As a REALTOR®, Vivian combines her experience in residential real estate sales with her passion to help others match their lifestyle with their dreams. Whether your dream is a working equestrian estate, a gourmet kitchen, or purchasing your first home, Vivian’s deep experience will help you through your buying or selling experience.

Vivian’s lifetime passion for horses and the equestrian lifestyle helps provide a deep understanding of what equestrians are looking for in their next home and barn. Specializing in equestrian estates, land, and mini-farm sales, Vivian can guide both buyers and sellers with the uniqueness of these properties. She’s knowledgeable about land, its functionality, what is required to maintain it, and many details that a traditional agent may not be able to help with or market accordingly.

Vivian handles each deal herself from start to finish and limits the number of clients to ensure the best possible customer service.

Happy Trails!

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2 results

Vivian Regna is a real estate agent with Gateway Real Estate in the St. Louis, MO area who specializes in recreational and residential land. They currently have 2 properties on the market. Verify details with the profile owner.

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4409 Meramec Bottom Rd
Ste G
St. Louis, MO 63069


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